What A Week Will Bring

I’ve been thinking a lot about goal setting the last few weeks.  For me a life without goals = no purpose or destination.  I know that kinda sounds dramatic, but it isn’t.  I’ve come to realize I most likely have some sort of attention issue.  At times I wonder who in America doesn’t with all the distractions we have but I know for certain if you look at my track record and past that I have a problem with…squirrel!  Yeah, you’ve got it.

It didn’t take long after that realization (and a few tears) for me to set a plan in place.  I know that if I have a hard time concentrating long term that I must break them down into smaller goals.  I’m determined to use this for some good instead of be mad and hurt which lets this be a deficit.

So…my new habit I’m going to implement (with the help of my trusty partner in life who is extremely disciplined!) is weekly goal setting for myself and our family.

That sounds kinda nuts, right?  Weekly goal setting for your family!?!  Isn’t that a little overboard?

Well, no!  Because we will be able to find more wins in a shorter timeframe because we will have smaller goals.  These smaller goals will lead to bigger wins as we reach our bigger goals.  Come on now…doesn’t that sound amazing!

Goal without a plan

So here are my goals for this week:

Personal Goals: to set my goals (check!), read a nutrition book for the boys (so we can start setting proper food goals for the family), write 2 blogs, spend time daily praying for a specific breakthrough that God has promised, sell more stuff to lighten the load at the house (you know we all have A LOT of stuff!), and complete all the projects I currently have for work.

Family goals: eat dinner together as a family each night, read with the boys for 20 minutes each day, go to Lego Club and get books for the next week, school Mr. L on multiplication goodness, limit screens to 2 hours a day, and do 5 loads laundry.

Crazy simple goals, right?  But I can cross those off and feel like I’m moving the family and myself forward to a healthier and happier destination.

Are weekly goals a good idea for you at home or at work?  What goal or goals could you implement this week to help you reach a bigger goal?

2 thoughts on “What A Week Will Bring

  1. I don’t even think those sound like simple goals, I think it sounds like a lot! I make lists, which I suppose could be goals, but I haven’t seemed to be able to get much checked off lately. Ugh. Good luck! ~SIL Michelle

    • I love lists! I remember well the days of having a baby that needed my attention and I don’t remember getting many thing crossed off the list either. But I would love to snuggle that little guy every moment I could! You are doing a great job!

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